Episode 1. Beginnings
June 13, 2022

File SF983-A

NAME: Fury, Tex

GRADE: General



WEIGHT: 180 lbs.



  • Identifying scar across the left side of the face;
  • Missing right forearm, casualty resulting from a frontline conflict (expanded in the active duty summary segment). Technological replacement limb  functioning in normal parameters; periodic maintenance scheduled;
  • Physical screening: overall excellent condition, exceeding levels generally attributed to age group;
  • Eyesight has not deteriorated. no restrictions are imposed for field missions;
  • Bloodworks: overall excellent condition, beta thalassemia minor detected. Iron supplements are recommended intermittently, but this condition does not affect active duty.



  • Psych evals reveal early childhood conditions imprinted specific world views on the definition of success, observed to be applied throughout his entire career;
  • In addition, the absence of a father figure shows to have lead to a more aggressive behavior compared to the average military recruit;
  • Most prominent trait observed is conscientiousness;
  • Continues to display strong leadership capabilities with little to no fluctuation along active years;
  • Latest evaluations show a decrease of trust in Cellstrike and its members, especially following the frontline conflict which resulted in the loss of a limb and known associate. Additional counseling has been recommended to address the issue, but was refused. Situation necessitates continuous monitoring.



  • Born in Lawton, Oklahoma;
  • Father: test pilot, deceased when Fury was 8. Mother: nurse. No siblings;
  • Records show a severe upbringing with unsuccessful focus on academics and very few extracurricular pursuits (mostly physical activities);
  • Highest form of education: high school diploma;
  • Enlisted in state military soon after high school graduation, then transitioned to black ops organizations;
  • No criminal or civil record;
  • Good credit score;
  • Personal life details: none on record
  • Relevant known associations: 
    • Cellstrike members, with most frequent current connections being [REDACTED] and Val;
    • Closely associated with former Cellstrike member Captain Harlon Pierce, with reports detailing a strong friendship throughout the years. No longer the case (see mission report below);



  • Career before Cellstrike: [CLASSIFIED]
  • Achievements before Cellstrike: 
    • Marksmanship Clasp;
    • Medal of Bravery & Honor;
    • Leadership Commendation;
    • Valor Award;
  • Cellstrike enrollment: previously out of active duty; retained the rank of General upon return;
  • Most successful mission: Large-scale operation against The Collective at Niagara Falls, recorded under the name “Waterlogged”. Documentation states that The Collective had taken hostages and threatened to use explosives to collapse the Falls. Took out 23 of their members over a period of 6 days, with no civilian or Cellstrike casualties;
  • Most upending mission: an attempt to uncover treason within Cellstrike. Culprit was revealed to be former member and close associate Captain Harlon Pierce, who defected to Redcell. While the reason still remains unknown, the confrontation led to the partial loss of the right arm and disappearance of Captain Harlon Pierce.



Cellstrike member comments:

  • “I owe my life to Fury. I was kidnapped by Earthshatter - those freaks wanted to use me in some ritual! I was sure I wasn’t going to survive, but the General swooped in and wiped them out.”

Lieutenant Dan Sorkin

  • “Yeah, General Fury is tough. You don’t even want to know what drills are like. But I’ve learned to be a better sniper thanks to his efforts, someday maybe the best. Would I follow him in any field of battle? Absolutely, no questions asked!”

Squadron Leader Amanda Yussuf

  • “I joined Cellstrike hoping to be under General Fury’s leadership. So far, training has been a nightmare. I’m not sure if I’m doing a good job. But I’m still willing to try my best. I believe in Cellstrike’s efforts to keep the world safe and I believe in people like Fury.”

Cadet Drew Lee




File SF1147-H

NAME: Petersen, Valerie

POSITION: Communications & Operative Specialist


HEIGHT: 5’4”

WEIGHT: 120 lbs.



  • Known allergies: variations of pollen and all types of shellfish;
  • Physical screening: passed with 0 causes of concern;
  • Bloodworks: normal, revealing a healthy individual;
  • Up-to-date with travel vaccinations;
  • Irregular sleep schedule will inevitably affect future duties. Immediate adjustment and/or treatment recommended;



  • Past psych evals confirm no perturbing psychological symptoms;
  • No cognitive function impairment; 
  • It’s been noted that her childhood circumstances (elder male siblings, see below) may have had the following impact on her career within the organization:
    • made her comfortable and able to deal with the challenges of the work environment;
    • built up towards a spirit of competitiveness, perhaps even a strong drive to demonstrate her own personal qualities;
  • At times, overconfidence and even manageable conceitedness have been observed when interacting with other members;
  • Displays skill and talent for profiling and behavioral psychology. Report to be given to Cellstrike leadership with a suggestion to encourage her to pursue authorized training;
  • No record of conflicts with current employer, team members or duties;


  • Born in Capetown, South Africa;
  • Father: middle school history teacher. Mother: psychiatrist. Siblings: 3 older brothers;
  • Nurturing home life and upbringing, but with a competitive component (attributed to the 3 male siblings);
  • Highest form of education: college. Studied at Capetown University and graduated with a BA in Criminal Justice, then a Masters in Criminal Psychology;
  • No authorized military career before Cellstrike;
  • No criminal or civil record;
  • Personal life details: extraneous;
  • Highly invested in armed situations in Africa
  • Relevant known associations: 
    • Cellstrike member General Tex Fury, often considered his right-hand;
    • Cellstrike member [REDACTED];



  • Career before Cellstrike: 
    • Various jobs at local african on-line news agencies, where her main focus was to shed light over armed conflicts;
    • Later joined a local NGO and became more hands-on with in her involvement with situations around Africa;
  • Cellstrike enrollment: while traveling with a host of representatives from the afore-mentioned NGO, she found herself defending a bus of school children caught in a firefight between two rival gangs. Cellstrike reps on location defused the situation and took note of her. After monitoring her subsequent actions, Cellstrike contacted her and offered a position within the organization;
  • After basic training and a few low-stakes missions, her talents were recruited to the Communications Department, where she currently serves as overseeing specialist.



Cellstrike member comments:

  • “Oh, Val? Heh. She’s reliable, sharp-witted, assertive, and she manages to keep everything running smoothly. What’s not to like? Professionally, I mean…”

G.O. Shade, Markus


  • “Personally, I’m amazed by her excellent skills when it comes to profiling our enemies. I think she’d make a great intelligence agent, but rumor is that Fury likes her exactly where she is.”

Hannah Chen, Cellstrike Intelligence Analyst


  • “I’m mostly out on the field so I rarely have direct contact with Petersen, but I can honestly tell you I trust her completely.  Her mission briefs are spectacularly detailed and her mission assessments almost always flawless.”

S.A.C. Davidson, Clark Sr.





File SF81355-C


POSITION: Special Ops


HEIGHT: 6’1”

WEIGHT: 190 lbs.



  • Physical screening: motor functions and reflexes normal;
  • Musculoskeletal system improvement since last assessment;
  • Bloodworks: complete blood count and complete metabolic panel within normal limits;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease appeared in patient, attributed to stress and disorderly on-duty diet;
  • Nervous system functions within normal parameters;



  • Psych evals flagged for caution when observing specific behaviours (see below), but no signs of negative manifestations under current employment;
  • Most prominent trait observed: survival-oriented personality factors;
  • Brought up outside of a traditional family life. Patient usually refuses to discuss his broken home;
  • Childhood circumstances point to the following psychological characteristics: 
    • loner-type conduct;
    • apparent unwillingness to attach emotionally;
    • appears fearless but might actually experience and unwillingly conceal fear; if this is the case, then fear does not act as a deterrent to confronting challenging obstacles;
  • Certain investigations signal an unmanifested need to belong. Further sessions recommended, if patient agrees;
  • Has a strong dislikes for any level of abuse of power;
  • Displays unrivalled courage during missions, but never recklessness;
  • Unsuccessful traditional education, yet obtains high intelligence scores at yearly testing;
  • Cautious observation: minor violent tendencies, exhibited outside of assigned missions. Low risk of interference with Cellstrike duty, but continuous monitoring recommended;


  • Possibly born in Colorado, records are unclear/inexistent;
  • Parents: unknown, with unconfirmed rumours identifying the father as a convicted felon, still serving time in jail. Siblings: unknown;
  • In and out of orphanage placement until early adulthood;
  • Highest form of education: highschool diploma obtained later than expected, prior to Cellstrike enrolment
  • Was often a target of bullying on account of his placement home upbringing;
  • Encouraged by highschool P.E. teacher to find an outlet for his anger, so he took up judo for a while and learned self-defense;
  • Criminal record with minor crimes: petty theft, shoplifting, assault (stepped in to defend someone being attacked and outnumbered);
  • Relevant known associations: 
    • Cellstrike member General Tex Fury, a fast-formed connection based on mutual trust and respect;
    • Cellstrike member Valerie Petersen, frequent contact;



  • Career before Cellstrike: 
    • A history of various short-term jobs (bouncer, trainer, gambling dealer, shooting range instructor);
    • Was repeatedly denied military service on account of his criminal record;
  • Cellstrike enrollment: 
    • Discovered by Cellstrike reps in Augusta, Maine, when attempting to enroll into military service with falsified personal records;
    • Was allowed basic training after exhaustive evaluations;
    • Quickly established himself as an elite soldier;
  • Most successful mission: a number of US government officials on a diplomatic visit to Thailand were attacked and kidnapped, then taken into the jungles of the Chiang Dao district. US intelligence revealed that the kidnappers were members of Redcell, but a mounted, armed response would be too visible and too slow to secure the lives of the government officials. While the terrorists awaited a response for their ludicrous financial demands, Cellstrike stepped in and assigned [REDACTED] to de-escalate the situation. He traveled alone through the jungles, located the hidden Redcell base within a few days and single-handedly disposed of it, managing a small number of casualties. The government officials were safely returned to the US, and Cellstrike was able to obtain more information on Redcell and its associates, along with a handful of prisoners.




  • “You’re telling me one man did this? I can’t believe it! Just one man went up against Redcell and saved us? We have a medal for things like these, right?”

Advik Pawar, US government official


  • “I’ve never seen anyone so focused and so methodical. Don’t get me wrong, everyone here at Cellstrike is an elite soldier, but he’s just… something else! I guess his successes speak for themselves. But I do wish he’d spend more time with the rest of us, I think it’d be good for everyone.”

D.C. Blake, Maria R., Cellstrike member


  • “Oh, we’ll be back, just you wait and see! And he’ll be the first one on our hit list, so praise your hero now, while you still can!”

Anonymous Redcell member



S.A.C. Davidson, Clark Sr.

S.A.C. Daris, V. R.

S.A.C. Peterson, Valerie

G.O. Shade, Markus

D.C. Mason, Frederic

D.C. Blake, Maria R.

S.C. Mann, Leroy

Gen. Fury, Tex

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