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Become the ultimate dragon trainer

Posted on: December 26, 2016

Have you ever wanted to become a dragon trainer and raise your own collection of unique creatures? If so, my fellow Gameloft fan, then you are in luck because Dragon Mania Legends lets you do just that.

Raise your dragons

You arrive in Dragolandia to find it in disarray. Vikings have invaded, kidnapped Professor Hogwin, and stolen all the dragons except for a single fire dragon baby. Now you must team up with the Professor’s assistant, Arya, to rebuild the land, learn how to train your brood of dragons, and rescue Hogwin.


You may think that Dragon Mania Legends is a city building game – but it is stuffed with so much more.

There are literally hundreds of dragons to find, unlock, breed, raise, and train. Currently I am trying to get a Banana Dragon by breeding Rainbow and Candy Dragons to complete an in-game achievement. How rainbows and candy equal bananas however, remains a mystery to me.

Build your island

Of course these dragons all need somewhere to live once they hatch. Habitats range from standard water and fire elements, to the more mysterious such as void. You must build these enclosures and place your dragons in areas that best match their skills.

Once you have them comfortable in their new homes you can pet and feed your new friends. This helps them grow, makes them happy, and earns you extra cash. You can even train them with mini-games to improve their stats.

You also need training centers, food farms (turns out your dragons are vegetarian), hatcheries, and other facilities to nurture your new pets.

Defeat the vikings

But your main goal is to retake Dragolandia and rescue Arya’s friends. Level up your squad of three dragons and go to war against the Vikings (and other players) in strategic, turn-based action.


In battle you and your opponent take turns to attack, dragging and dropping your dragon’s abilities onto their targets. Attacks like Fireball damage your opponent's beasts, while targeting your own team can heal and defend them. This includes the Earth power which forms a Stone Wall around your dragons.

Single and multiplayer

With a single player story to explore, clans to join and create, plus plenty of PvP options, Dragon Mania Legends makes sure you always have something to do while you collect hundreds of unique dragons.

You can download it now for free on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone and PC, you won’t even have to wait for the app to hatch. For plenty of news, tips and lots of interesting content, make sure you follow Dragon Mania Legends on FacebookYouTube, and Instagram.
