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Japanese band, PassCode, and Asphalt 9: Legends collide!

Posted on: September 14, 2018

The Japanese idol group, PassCode, have an amazing sound. They blend J-Pop sensibilities with a hard metal twist, delivering it all with passion and energy. And now they are crossing into the world of Asphalt 9: Legends.

Watch it now – no PassCode required

PassCode’s new single Taking you out encapsulates everything that makes the band special. From their furious metal beat to their twist on kawaii culture, this is a track certain to get your foot stamping.

The accompanying video is amazing too. As the four band members come together to begin the song, the visuals ooze their signature near-monochromatic style.

But, as the video begins, what’s that they are doing? Playing on their keitais? Yup, they are indeed on their mobile phones and about to start playing Gameloft’s latest installment of its iconic racing franchise, Asphalt 9: Legends.

What follows is a brilliant music video that includes the four artists singing, dancing, playing, and competing. It is something pretty special and really does have to be seen to be believed.

Post-credit scene

And, when you do watch it, I certainly recommend hanging about to the end. This is because, while the members of PassCode certainly seem to be enjoying the game throughout the video, it is only at the end that you really see how much fun they had.


This post-credit scene takes you backstage to see the group all playing Asphalt 9: Legends together, and loving it.

Unfortunately, we may never know which of the artists is best at the game – but my money is on Ogami Hinako… I feel she is the most competitive.

If you want to join PassCode in enjoying Asphalt 9: Legends, then you can download the game on Android, iOS, and Windows.

You can also follow both on their social media channels. Find Asphalt 9 here: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. And, if you are looking for PassCode, you can find them on their official site, or here: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Oh, and if you want to hear more of PassCode, find their music here.
