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An open-world city of sin to explore

Posted on: December 21, 2016

Take to the streets of America’s city of sin in Gangstar Vegas. But you should know that it won’t be easy. Even on a good day it is a struggle to get by in this crime filled open-world. But when you have angered a local crime-lord by refusing to lose your MMA fight, it’s near impossible.


A classic tale


This is how your story as Jason "the Kid" Malone begins, thrust into a thrilling modern-noire story. The world of Gangstar Vegas compliments this dark-criminal tone perfectly. Plus, with its huge open-world bustling with life and filled with crime, you quickly find yourself engaged in fist fights, shootouts, and car chases.

just-a-pink-car-in-gangstar-vegas Open-world


With nothing but the clothes on your back, you need to steal and earn back everything you have lost. Fortunately, Gangstar Vegas is filled with missions set by members of the unsavory underworld. Complete these tasks to earn cash and continue your story of revenge. You can even take on regular special events to earn extra rewards.


A wealth of possibilities


You can take part in a vast range of missions as "the Kid", from escorting friends to killing enemies. All of these demand you navigate your way around Gangstar Vega’s massive recreation of Vegas. Filled with people and cars, the city is always bustling with life. True, sometimes you may find yourself stuck in traffic while on a mission - but more often all this life results in chaotic fun.



Burn up the streets or take to the skies


All this open-world fun provides lots of opportunity. Do you need to get across the city fast? How about stealing a speedy sport car to get there in a heartbeat. Or, if cars are not your thing, then head out to the military base where you can take to the air. Helicopters, planes, and even UFOs (yup, Gangstar Vegas has aliens) are all available... all you need to do is steal, earn, or purchase them in-game.


You can download this intense, open-world crime tale for free on Android, iOS, and Windows. Plus, to keep up with all the latest Gangstar Vegas new, you can follow the game on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
